Asian Life

Colourful Thai Art

As the country at the crossroads of Southeast Asia, Thailand has always been a diverse culture. Their art has traditionally encompassed that of their neighboring...

Asian Life

Learning to Make Beautiful Food

People of any age appreciate good food, but some cultures have elevated the creation of dishes into an art. In Thailand, carving fruit has become...

Asian Life

Thai Food Art

Fruits and vegetables have long been a favourite in Thai cuisine. Artists study long hours to learn how to carve and combine these items to...

Asian Life

Religious Influence of Buddha in Thai Art

The official religion of Thailand is Buddhism. By the 13th century, most of the country had followed their king and converted to this religion. Today,...

Asian Life

Flower Art of Thailand

As with many cultures, products of the natural world are used to create art in Thailand. It has been recognized that they have elevated the...

Asian Life

Modern Thai Art

While Thailand has been noted for its many beautiful religious works, modern artists in this country have branched out. They have worked to update their...

Asian Life

Exploring Amazing Thailand

For centuries, Thailand has been an exotic location that has attracted adventurers from all over the world. They have arrived in droves as light-hearted tourists,...

Thailand has long been hailed as a crossroads for trade in Southeast Asia. For many years, the country showed the world a culture that reflected this status. Cosmopolitan in nature, the public art of Thailand reflected the styles of its neighbors. Much of the art was religious in nature. India, Cambodia and China were all well represented in temple decorations. Many scholars made the mistake of believing all Thai art forms were simply derivative of neighboring influences.

Over the last few decades, scholars have taken another look at the art of Thailand. This is especially true of religious art forms. Buddha is widely revered in this land as it is throughout much of Asia, and there are a great many temples to celebrate Buddhism. Thai artists and architects took the works of their neighbors and publicly displayed much of it. Rather than copying their neighbors, they incorporated t heir own elements inconspicuously without creating a fusion of styles. Modern scholars are still classifying these elements that are not copies of other cultures, but uniquely Thai in nature.